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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Appreciation For Whatever That You Have

I decided today to stop fighting alone in this battle of mine against Schizophrenia. Yes, I've decided to trust God whole-heartedly even when I do not feel like it.

I decided today to stop resisting my emotions and thoughts, I'm listening to them and letting them go if they are not healthy. Yes, letting them go when they do no good for me. I can spend a whole day wallowing in my self-pity and moodiness, now I'm learning to let them all go.

I decided today to stop seeing myself as of low value. I'm grading myself an A+ for my performance in life. I've helped a lot of people in their studies, games and problems and now its time to help myself and be all I can be.

I decided today to still the voices of criticism and harshness. I'm giving myself a great big hug and its okay to not listen to the voices of criticism and all the harshness I had to undergo all these years.

I'm appreciating myself starting from today:

1.) My 90kg body (I weighed a 100kg in January and look where I've come so far)
2.) My pimples on my face (My godsister told me my face looks very man)
3.) My clothes (Most are dark in color or just dull but its okay)
4.) My introverted character (Its okay to stay at home and enjoy)
5.) My voice (I sound good)

How about you? What are the battles you have been fighting alone all these years? What areas of your body/life can you start appreciating today?

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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