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Monday, September 01, 2008

Book Review: CNet's Do It Yourself Laptop Projects

Hi blog readers, as I mentioned in my previous blog post, I'll be blogging about a book I borrowed from the National Library Board titled: CNet: Do It Yourself Laptop Projects.
I found this book while browsing through Cheng Sang Community Library's Information Technology Section.

This book covers projects or rather tasks that you can do with your laptops. Examples include: Setting up a broadcast radio station for listening on your car stereo while commuting, establishing a home surveillance system using a webcam and your laptop, watching & recording TV. surfing the Web on your TV, making free phone calls and more.

There are altogether 24 Projects available in this book, they are further divided into 3 main categories: Easy, Challenging & Advanced.

I highly recommend this book if you own a laptop and are wanting to do more things with it.
