Singapore, Always My Home
We all remember the good times our childhood: blowing bubblegum before the ban, riding on the MRT for the first time with our parents, making first friends in kindergarten, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.
What is Singapore to me?
Its very hot, humid, warm, sunny, desperately hot, competitive, stressful, materialistic, fast-paced, expensive, crowded, overcrowded but its still my home.
No matter how things get ugly on the trains, buses, cabs and so on, its still my home.
Everyone makes mistakes, tell me you never made any once and I'll tell you I never did either.
The government has made mistakes, but we too make mistakes in our lives, jobs, schools, homes and anywhere.
"To err is human"
I am a pro-opposition supporter and still am, but what made me appalled was how fellow opposition supporters take things out of hand eg the Temasek Review Emeritus's photo saga involving a PAP supporter blogger, that really shocked me. Can people get that low-handed?
Everyone is entitled to their views. We push for free speech and here we are pulling each other down.
Hey people, life is more than just politics, its about living life with all the ups and downs and whats and what nots.
Hey Singapore, you are still my home. Come 2016, be it the PAP or WP running the government, Singapore still is home.