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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tattered Steps : Who Seriously? Blue Blue Blue

Before Gmail there was Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail.
Before Facebook there was Friendster and Hi5!
Before Twitter there was Blogger and Livepad.
Before Youtube there was Limewire and Kazaa.

A friend once made this comment, "What do you get when Youtube merges with Twitter and Facebook?" The answer? "YouTwitFace".

Then came the IPhone and the zillions of apps.
Then came the IPad and the thousands of e-books.

I think the IPad is just an upsized version of the IPhone, surely it would cost just 50 cents more?

You broadcast your session online, I broadcast my dirty linen online. Welcome to the world where everyone gets to use their webcam and do naughty fun things.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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