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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pink Beads of Rice In Yellow Gravy

My current semester is in its 2nd week. Still getting to know my new groupmates. I was happy to see Vivian and Daphne outside the Lecture Theathre yesterday, catched up with them a little bit.

Anyway, 2 incidents happened today:
I was queuing for a cab outside my school when this group of students decided to cut queue by walking downwards to the linkway to wave a cab:
1.) They waved but the cab didn't stop for them.
2.) They waved again but their cab was stolen by others.

I LOL at them. Try cutting other people's queue and your own queue will be cut too.

I then walked down to Yio Chu Kang MRT to get a cab instead.
Since the queue was empty, I stood at the queue entrance. A nursing student saw me, ignored me and went in front of me. Her friends came along and cut the queue with her. I told them off for cutting the cab queue and that student scolded me for standing there. Seriously, WTH? I was standing first in the cab queue and I'm transparent? Now she's in the wrong and she lectures me?

She and her friends then went to the main road to wait for a cab, the best part was after they left, a cab came and I boarded it and went home. They saw me in the cab going past them and they looked exasperated.

Moral of the story: Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

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