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Saturday, April 25, 2009

If I Must, I Will

If I'm going to again offend any self-righteous Christians who are no better than the average person, I will have to. If you are one of them, go to here to save your poor eyes and Google all you want.

I've been following the news on a woman's organisation called Aware this past two weeks and found that the dispute between the new EXCO and the old guard has more to it than meets the eye.

The new EXCO led by Mrs Josie Lau and mentored by Dr Thio claimed to the press that their takeover of Aware wasn't religiously planned nor planned in any other way, how false this is.

Here is a link which shows the e-mails sent between Dr Thio and other members of the new EXCO which clearly showed a religious takeover by these Christian fundamentalists.


Note: Even a pastor from Church of Our Savior is involved in this and he even advocated his church members to take over Aware.

My point to these Christian women: GET A LIFE, so what if you are morally "right", by lying to the press that you all didn't planned any takever, are you not committing the sin of deception to the whole nation? Some witnesses you are huh? And to the Church involved and got into a mess, serves you right for imposing your religious beliefs on our society!

This brings my disdain for such churches and Christians up by another level.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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