A New Sunrise
Feeling like you are in the dumps now? Feeling like nobody cares and nobody bothers about your situation?
Well, for one, I care. Why? I myself have to deal with the big bad 4:
1.) A spinal injury (minor fracture but major pain)
2.) Double vision (now I can see two of everybody, cool)
3.) Schizophrenia (imagine everyday feeling and seeing things out of this world)
4.) Giddiness and fainting spells (talk about being in a rollercoaster ride)
And I always thought that nobody cared, here's where the problem lies.I never told much people of the pain, discomfort and torture I had to go through each day on my own. It was a terrible feeling, so terrible I felt in the dumps everyday.
Things were made worse with insensitive remarks and judgements made by the people around me on my various medical conditions. They simply, let me put it bluntly, don't have a human heart to feel for others in deep pain and torture.
But now, things are different. I'm beginning to be able to open up to some of my dear friends about the pains I went through in the past, I then began to feel my load lighten and suddenly, having to deal with the big bad 4 doesn't seem to be so lonely.
The key I learnt is, open up to the RIGHT people, let me emphasis that again, open up to the RIGHT people. Never ever share your pains with very healthy people who have everything going on for them bodily and look down on people who are sick, never ever share your pains with people who think very little of pain and suffering, but, share your pains with your closest friends and family.
If your friends/family don't understand, it's all right. Drop me an email (Daniel.fcw 'at' gmail.com) and I'd be more than willing to give a "listening ear". I won't pass judgements, I won't give advice, I won't say "tsk tsk", all I'll do is give a listening ear if you feel comfortable with me as a total stranger. I want to hear your hurts, your pain and your suffering, let life be a little easier for you.
I want you too to have a new sunrise in your life.
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(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.
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