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Saturday, November 08, 2008

What's So Great About Youtube?

Yea, with pun intended. Not after Youtube deleted one of my videos and then after having deleted the video first, sent me an e-mail to inform me of their actions. They didn't even give me time to download my video first to my hard disk.

All right, besides this point, Youtube is well known for deleting uploaded Animes ranging from Bleach to Naruto because they infringe copyrights. Dattebayo is notorious for encouraging Youtube viewers to flag such videos for copyright infringement when they too infringe on copyright by subbing Animes and releasing them for download on Bittorent.

This brings me to the main point. What's so great about Youtube?

1.) You can virtually upload any video but expect to have a 50-50 chance of having your video deleted OR replaced if its a TV show, advertisement, Anime, song or even an MTV.
Example: Celine Dion's MTV: Taking Chances. Many users uploaded this video but apparently, when you click on any of their links, you are greeted with Celine Dion's Official Youtube account displaying, yes, the same video but the difference is, the video cannot be embedded from any other website.

2.) Youtube has had its fair share of bad publicity ranging from slow loading times to random deleting of videos, but has it had any good share of publicity? Yes, definitely. Just that I'm not interested in any of them.

3.) I have a love-hate relationship with Youtube. No reasons needed.

(C) 2006,2007,2008 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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