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Friday, September 05, 2008

Beg Bug Me Not

I seem to resemble an ATM machine or rather a philanthropist when I am not. Why? There were quite a few incidents in the past when complete unknown strangers would walk up to me and ask me to borrow give them cash to buy food to eat.

I guess the Great Money Priest must have mistaken me for a vampire and pasted the "Money Money Money Talisman" onto my forehead. Thus, attracting unnecessary and unwanted attention from complete unknowns.

I have to seek the Great Wise Priest if I want to get the "Money Money Money Talisman" off my forehead as I realized that it has been glued to my forehead with "Supernatural Glue".

Where can I find the Great Wise Priest? He was last seen at Mt Wudang's Temple in the Central Plains. Can any kind soul give me an alternative remedy to this?

