Some of Daniel's Vocabulary
Globally Neutral: When a person is neutral in his thinking, not knowing how to think or decide for any matter, I would call this person globally neutral. (In short, dumb.)
Nocturnally Active: When a person is always energetic throughout the night, always having to do something instead of resting during wee hours. (In short, insomniac.)
Cohesive Unity: When regions of territory band together for a common purpose. (In short, pot-belly.)
Daunting Experience: When a good day goes bad, when people go bad, when animals go bad, when food goes bad, etc. (In short, suay! *Suay is the Hokkien dialect equivalent for bad luck*)
And for the last but not least,
Mannerism: When somebody oversteps on your boundary, resulting in friction and lots of heat and sparks. (In short, call me fat and you shall burn.)