
Friday, August 01, 2008

Absolutely Daniel - Can You Hear?

Once again, if you are a Christian who is so righteous, do NOT even bother to scroll down thank you very much! Otherwise, please read on what I've typed below that comes from my heart.

*I am a RIGHTEOUS Christian, GET ME OUT!!!

The cries from the hearts of countless people crying out for some meaning to their lives, a meaning that carries purpose, hope for tomorrow, beyond eternity. Have you found your meaning to your life?

Many times, I'll just dismiss Christians who try to preach to me since I left Church last year, yet I can still hear God's voice that still I am loved by Him, leaving Church was not an easy decision but it was the right one. I've found better meaning knowing that God loves you whether or not you go to Church! To those countless Christians who put down believers who do not attend Church regularly, a big shame on you! You base others' salvation on their works!

It is because of Christians like you that people like me leave the local Church! Jesus never said in His Word that, "If you believe in Me and attend Church every week, you shall be saved." No! Absurd nonsense!

If you are a cellgroup or Church leader who shakes your head at a member who never went to Church for once because he/she wants to spend time with his/her family, shame on you!
The Bible states that the family was created first before the Church! Before you start leaving baseless comments on how nonspiritual I am or how worldly I am, take a good look at yourselves first. It is because of such "spiritual" and "not-worldly" people like you that people actually do suffer!

If I have to offend Christians so be it! They are just fair-weathered people if they get so offended easily!

I am guilty of the same thing when I was attending my former Church still! I called up friends only when my Church tells me to reach out to them! What a fake friend I was! People can tell whether you are genuine or not.

My friend could tell that I had a motive for reaching out to him in the past. And a big no thanks to a cellgroup leader who agreed to help me that day by joining me and my friend and then messaging me on my phone that my friend was not happy that I was trying to reach out to him when you were the one who was so "on", supporting the cellgroup leader by stating that you will help the members reach out to their friends!

So in conclusion, if you really care about the unsaved/unchurched, be not just a fair-weathered/temporary/judgemental friend but be what Jesus was like, mingling with the unclean, the unsaved, the sick, the demonically-possessed, the insane, the criminals, the untouchables and virtually everybody!

Can you hear? The anger and disappointment ?