
Thursday, July 31, 2008

What is Your Style?

Based on what I have learnt over the years, people can said to be generally divided into 4 distinct types:

1.) Emotive Type
People in this group can said to be generally women, but some men belong to this category.

General Characteristics of an Emotive Person (Note: Emotive NOT Emotional):
  • sensitive to other's feelings
  • makes decisions based on how he/she feels about the situation and choices available
  • may be bad at hiding his/her feelings
  • emotionally more mature than people from the second group
  • susceptible to mood changes easily
2.) Thinker Type
People in this group is made up of both men and women.

General Characteristics of a Thinker Person:
  • makes decisions after having given thought thoroughly
  • he/she is good at problem-solving
  • he/she is not able to deal with emotions as well as people from the other group
  • he/she is able to analyze things in depth
3.) Mixture of Emotive & Thinker Type
People in this group are balanced or somewhat balanced between their emotive and thinking sides.

General Characteristics of a Mixture Person:
  • has characteristics from b0th the Emotive and Thinking group but are balanced or balanced to a degree
  • best for dealing with mixed situations involving both emotional and mental capacity
4.) _____ Type
I've yet to find a name and distinctive characteristics for this last group of people. I'll try to finish up this last point in time to come.