
Friday, August 01, 2008

Many Faces of Daniel

Corny Daniel's plan:
Goal: Let's find some people to huat with this weekend!
Result: Found 1 friend to huat with! Wahahahaha! Lim kopi & milo bing! Huat ah!

Normal Daniel's plan:
Goal: Find a friend to drink coffee (iced milo) with and chit-chat.
Result: Found 1 friend to hang with! It's going to be Coffee & Iced Milo!

Isolated Daniel's plan:
Goal: Break out of isolation this weekend...
Result: I found someone...

Moo san's plan:
Goal-to: Watashiwa Moo san! Watashiwa find nakama (Moo san's Nippon no good!) !
Result-to: Yatai! Moo san and friend san go drinko kohi!

Restricted Daniel's plan:
Goal: Restrict myself to go out this weekend with a friend to a restricted place.
Result: I will restrict myself from morphing into the siao corny daniel. I found a friend for coffee at a restricted place.

Mr KFC ! Seeya this Sunday!