
Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Blog Goes On (And On...)

Its the time of the year for some minor and major reflections concerning this blog of mine.

But first, as a human being who is prone to making mistakes and sometimes offending people, I hereby apologise to my blog readers/visitors for any past material I had had written that may had offended you.

I still remember the time when I setup this blog at its former URL (, I didn't think much about this blog or how its future would be. I just blogged regularly and sometimes blogging once every now and then and even once thought of giving up blogging (yes I admit, I have my own writer's block too.)

One wish I have often is getting to know what my blog readers/visitors think about this blog in terms of its material, design, etc. I admit that this blog isn't one of those huge blogs with a million followers but still I am thankful even if there is just one regular reader/visitor.

I sometimes think about the blog posts that I have wrote, would they carry their meaning over to the person reading at the screen? Would they have any use for people who frequent this blog? I am glad that they do.

I tried different styles of blogging such as Vlogging, blogging with many pictures and equal part text, short text structures, point forms and etc and I admit I've finally found the style that will be here to stay for some time.

I blog with my heart and not my head, its my personality that is ingrained deep into the fiber of this blog, and I give no apology when I want to bring across a message or a theme across to my regular readers/visitors.

How about you my blog reader/visitor? Have you followed this blog through the past year/months/weeks? Has anything captured your attention and make you believe that this blog is worth being a regular read?

I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a tag or drop me an e-mail @ daniel(dot)fcw@gmail(dot)com

Continuing to blog on and on for years to come :)

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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