1.) You've never failed before in your studies.
2.) You've never failed before in your career.
3.) You've never failed before in your relationships.
4.) You've never failed before in your community.
5.) You've never failed before in your endeavours.
How would your life be in the present, having known no failures? Would you classify your life as perfect/fulfilled/enjoyable?
Well, for me, I've:
1.) Failed before in my studies, having to sit for the GCE "O" Level Examinations three times, failing at the first attempt, not attempting the second attempt and finally passing the third attempt.
2.) Failed before in my attempt at being a freelance web site designer.
2.) Failed before in my relationships, encountering numerous heartaches, friends and closed ones leaving me and breaking up with two ex-girlfriends of whom one is now happily married.
3.) Failed before my close circle of friends when I decided not to have anything more to do with them after suffering silently for years.
5.) Failed before in my endeavours such as the aim to have lots of friends.
One can only forget truly about one's past failures by only admitting to them, facing up to them and living a new phase in life.
I admit that I am not perfect in my studies, having to have a 6 month medical leave from school because I overstressed myself, not able to meet the demands of past customers 100%, not perfect in my relationships with my ex-girlfriends having failed twice, not able to meet up to the overwhelming demands and expectations of that close circle of friends and I admit that I do not have that many close friends.
I face up to the fact that I get emotional easily, often letting my heart make the decisions in my life, that I am overweight and don't look that good in bright-coloured clothes, that I can't commit to new relationships because I don't have the emotional capacity to do so, that I can't live up to everybody's expectations and demands and that I don't have too many close friends.
I am now living in a new phase of life by learning to keep my emotions under control even though I still lose control at times, by not commiting to new relationships until I am emotionally ready, by breaking up contact with former friends and acquintances which drain my emotionally or are not bearing any significant meaning and more.
How about you, my reader? What failures have you not yet admitted, faced up to and made the necessary adjustments to better your life?
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