
Friday, January 23, 2009

Very Nice!

Mmmm according to Yahoo! News, the Public Transport Council is pushing for public transport fees ranging from the lousy SBS buses to the comfortable yet cramped MRTs to be lowered this year and has gotten the transport operators to say a big YES!

It's saving times for everyone in this season of uncertainty. I was very unhappy with SMRT and SBSTransit for raising transport prices last year despite the falling prices of oil around the world with their silly excuses of "other operational costs."

This is definitely a big thumbs up to the Public Transport Council for making every Singaporean happy this new year!

I can figure out 3 likely scenarios based on the lowering of transport prices:
1.) Every single lousy SBSTransit bus, SMRT bus and comfortable yet cramped train will be even more CROWDED. (Since its getting cheaper, why not make full use of the lowering prices and cramp every single bus and train?)

2.) SBSTransit follows SMRT by removing seats from the NEL trains to "fit in more passengers during the peak hours." (Why not do this? Remove the seats during peak seasons and put those bleddy seats back during off-peak hours?)

3.) A new transport operator joins in the market for a piece of the big pie. This will mean that with such stiff competition amongst the three operators, prices will go down even lower! (Nah, its all a dream...)

(C) 2006,2007,2008 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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