
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Singapore's Educational Culture

Youngsters today are significantly different from working adults -that I disagree.

They constantly live to compare grades over tests, exams, assignments, projects and everything academically related.

When another has scored higher, the first reaction is jealousy.

We are living in a 'plastic' society - Singapore yours truly.

I'm not talking about plastic cards, but plastic people.

Being insecure of one's own achivements over others is a very sad thing today for our young people.

Young people should enjoy their education and their youth, not the other way round.

Please note that I am not discriminating the youth of today but it is the overcompetitive culture inculcated into our youth that is the depressing thing.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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