
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guava, Mango & Java

"It's not God I have a problem with, its His fanclub." - Internet source

I have a problem with "Shepherded" Christianity:
1.) Thou shalt not marry a Christian from another Church
2.) Thou shalt not find a boy/girlfriend from another Cell Group
3.) Thou shalt give more money for thy tithe next month
4.) Thou shalt attend every meeting for thee love thy Lord
5.) Thou shalt be isolated if thee is not liked by thou Cell Group
6.) Thy Cell Group Leader and Cell Group Helpers shalt speak behind your back for thee is weak of faith.
7.) Thy shalt not seek shelter from other Christians for thee is deemed as attention seeketh.

I have a problem with "Me" Christianity:
1.) God bless me!
2.) God promote me to Cell Group Leader to serve OTHERS!
3.) God give me more money to enjoy and bless OTHERS!
4.) God change the member who is irritating!
5.) God let me be selected as the next Pastor so I can serve YOU!
6.) God HEAL ME NOW!

I have a problem with "You" Christianity:
1.) You must change or God will not bless you!
2.) You must not argue with your leader or God will curse you!
3.) You must submit your heart, mind, soul and body to the Church!
4.) You must come service every week with no option not to come!
5.) You must grow or you are forever a baby Christian!
6.) You must buy coffee for the Leader!
7.) You are so not spiritual! Pray more! Read the bible more!

Isn't this so sad? Christians who act like you are the only one who is at wrong, so wrong and forever wrong just because they are more "spiritually" mature than you.

I am still going to Heaven, I am still walking with Jesus and Jesus still loves me :)

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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