
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Caution... A Word of Dazzling Silver

What marks the fine line between unintentional and intentional? The motive.

Friends telling you all the time they support you and will be behind you all the way are now so behind you are alone.

Friends smiling and joking with you saying they love your company are actually telling each other how weak you are.

Friends praying for you, blessing you with many blessings are at the same time cursing you and praying that you will change while they are perfectly fine and don't need to change.

Friends who keep telling you how mature they are are at the same time using you for their own gain and benefit, kick you aside when you are no longer needed.

Friends who verbally abuse you and tell others they are the nicest to you.

It's all in the motive.

People can see, tell and feel it out if you make it too obvious.

If you wanna know what is a true friend:
- Never uses the other for his own benefit
- Never sweet talks but foul mouths behind the other
- Never thinking all the time it is them who is better in looks or appearance

Checklist of shallow friends who deserve to be kicked aside:
( ) Always telling you how they look better than you
( ) Always telling you how you should live your life
( ) Always telling you how you could never do better in life
( ) Always telling you how your partner sucks while theirs is no better
( ) Always telling you how horrible you are

Please for the sake of yourself, you, kick these "friends" aside, they are better off as former acquaintances.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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