
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Green Lining On A Pink Wall

There will be people who will make life difficult for you to the best of their abilities.
There will be people who will make your surroundings unpleasurable to the best of their abilities.

Which also means that...
There will be people who will make life enjoyable for you to the best of their abilities.
There will be people who will make your surroundings as comfortable as they can to the best of their abilities.

Don't be the person to make life difficult for others.
Don't be the person to make people's surroundings unpleasurable.

Think of others' needs before your own.
Think of others' feelings before your own.

One good action slowly leads to more good actions.
One bad action slowly leads to more bad actions.

Don't associate with people who only look at your faults and weaknesses, they themselves can't deal with their faults and weaknesses.
Associate with people who look at your good points and your strengths, these are the people who are real friends and associates.

There are a few circles in your life:
The outermost circle are the strangers.
The outer circle are the friends and associates.
The inner circle is your most precious treasure you will have on this earth.
The innermost circle is your faith.

Let the innermost circle dictate who you should let from the outermost circle in.
Let the outermost circle strengthen your innermost circle.

Life is a link between people.
Faith is a link between god and people.

Don't think too much about what people say to you and about you.
They are too busy thinking about what other people say to them and about them.

Don't think too much about what people do to you.
They are too busy thinking about what other people do to them.

Nothing can be perfect in this world. Unless you are no longer a part of this world.

Heard of the story where people threw darts at a person's face because they didn't like him?
They actually threw the darts at their ownselves because they didn't like what they saw in him.

You are the only you in the whole universe. Be proud of that!

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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