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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sandal Mishap

Before you go "Eh Daniel you made a typo in the blog post title correct?" Well, no. Allow me to share with you my faithful readers about my recent "mishap".

Yesterday evening, I went to Heartland Mall as usual to do some minute shopping. After getting the stuff that I needed, I walked home along the usual stretch of road until I was about to cross a zebra crossing when...

The top of sandal on my right foot suddenly came off :(

I was very embarrassed. Someone who was walking behind me noticed the mishap.

My reaction was to pretend nothing happened, and silly me tried to continue walking with that ripped sandal on my right foot when it gave way again in the middle of the zebra crossing.

I panicked and tried to drag my foot along. :O

I then walked with a limp giving people the impression that I had become white-legged (bai ka).

Having successfully crossed the zebra crossing, I reached the traffic light junction next.

My heart was beating fast, I kept thinking, "Oh my gosh, I look so chor lor now..." Then courage made its way into my heart. I picked up the torn sandal and walked with one foot barefooted all the way home.

Operation STDKWTDLLABKKAYIMIH (Sandal Torn Didn't Know What To Do, Look Like A Bai Kah Kia, And Yes I Made It Home) was a success!

I simply adore torn sandals.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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