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Monday, September 14, 2009

A Good Day

All right readers, let me bore you with the mundane details of how I spent this day.

10am: I woke up and went to Kovan Market and Hawker Center to buy breakfast. Breakfast was a packet of fried mee hoon. Following that on my way home, I bought a drink from the 7-11 outlet outside my home.

10:40am: After having breakfast I proceeded to study for a while in my room, enjoying the bliss of the chilling air provided by the humble air-conditioner. My mind kept thinking about my swimming date later on @ Hougang Swimming Complex.

11:40am: I packed up my stuff and walked to Hougang Swimming Complex. The walk took around 25 minutes under the hot, blazing sun. I then swam for ten laps in the crowded pool (Gosh, I always assumed that the pool would be less crowded on Mondays and boy was I so wrong) noticing that I got checked out (again).

12:55pm: I finished swimming my measly 10 laps in the pool, proceeded to bathe and change into my clothes and walked to the nearby bus stop.

1:00pm: Bus number 82 arrived from Ponggol and I took a comfortable ride in that air-conditioned bus home.

1:20pm: I continued studying and took a break at 1:40pm.

2:00pm: I resumed my studying for the day. (Man, I miss MapleStory, its my story... sighs)

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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