Dear blog readers, I would like to share this lovely article about dealing with ourselves in light of my own experiences. Do read through my thoughts and learn to how to be a better and
happier you.
I always struggle with depressing, anxious and angry thoughts of circumstances that went wrong, things that didn’t go as expected, people who affected me in the past and the list goes on and on. Everytime, I would just sit on my chair and let all these thoughts flood my mind one after the other and my mood would sink down from the tip of the iceberg to the bottom of the ocean for the whole day.
Have you ever thought an angry thought and found your heart racing, your palms perspiring and your headache act up? Or, have you ever thought about a frightening thought and your body goes cold? Whatever we think about and dwell on, will affect our hearts, body and mind directly.
I always thought that no one loved me nor appreciated me for what I did for others, I also thought that people were angry with me for the slightest reason and worse, I thought of even asking God to bring me home early!
But, thank God, I’ve learnt these measures to help take control of your mind which helps control your heart and body.
1.) When you want to feel angry or anxious or depressed, you actually have a choice to do so. For me, whenever a thought comes up luring me towards anger/anxiety/depression, I can think this instead, “I refuse to let this thought affect my emotions” or “I choose to not let it affect me.” You are actually exercising your willpower.
2.) If you have a religion or faith, seek strength and solace from it when you feel overwhelmed by your thought life.
3.) Share with a loved one or a trusted aide your thoughts that make you feel worried/anxious/depressed. It helps to lighten the burden.
4.) Like what my Psychiatrist always tells me, exercise. Exercising releases the stress
from your mind, heart and body. You get to lose weight too at the same time.
5.) Write down the thoughts one by one and when you are done, tell yourself, you have already released your thoughts and choose to let them go. Tear up the paper and tell yourself those thoughts are already over. Period.
6.) Listen to calming music or watch a relaxing video on Youtube. I’ll be sharing the best ones I’ve found on my blog soon.
7.) Visualise yourself as calm, at peace and not frustrated when the thoughts overwhelm you.
Do feel free to leave a tag or comment if you find this article useful to you :)
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