
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Top 10 Things That Have Been Frustrating Yoleh:

1.) I've been exercising the past few days and all my Dad says is I never exercised.

2.) My neighbour's loud door bell that could be heard even at night which makes it more irritating.

3.) Singaporeans who walk so slowly on the streets and stop abruptly to look at things.

4.) Highly sensitive women who assume that every guy who walks behind them is following them. (A big L for you.)

5.) Construction noises and drilling noises outside my home.

6.) Irritating Youtube videos that spot something jumping out to frighten you.

7.) Women who turn to look at me and rub their asses. (Another big L for you.)

8.) The lagginess of Facebook and Youtube.

9.) Lightning and thunder.

10.) When I can't get the end product I desire from Photoshop.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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