
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mmm... I'm Learning Still

That people do care even when they may not be vocal about it at times.

That people do trust still even when we've messed up some point in our lives.

That people do think about us when we don't even think about them that often.


Just recently, I called up an old friend whose a very good friend of mine from ITE, his name is Vin. We chatted over the phone to catch up on old times and I was pleasantly surprised that his wife had had given birth to their baby boy who will be turning one month old this month.

Time does really fly over the years when friends go their separate ways, walking different roads. There's always a sense of loss or even perhaps, a sense of "One day, we will meet again."

I'm very glad that I have two very good friends with me in my school whom I've known for years, what I'm even more glad about is my family, lecturers, classmates and friends who are very supportive and really care especially now that I've had my school semester deferred and will only return to school in October.

I just want to say, a big Thank You to these people who showed me that I'm not fighting on my own and gave me hope.

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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