1.) Because Yoleh's maid had to leave all of a sudden, Yoleh learnt to iron clothes on his own (by spying on his previous maids when he was younger), Yoleh cleaned the toilets (which guy knew that cleaning a toilet requires at least 3 different types of detergents), Yoleh cleared the rubbish bin (the smell is absolutely revolting) and did other house-chores.
2.) Yoleh had a pleasant surprise from a desert stall at Kovan. When Yoleh ta-paoed some green bean soup, the desert stall auntie gave him a free packet of beancurd desert (Yoleh was again reminded of how God loves him even in the most unexpected ways and a big thank you to that kind auntie).
3.) Yoleh finished reading all of the Library books that he had borrowed (except for one boring English Grammar book which dulled his senses the moment he flipped to Chapter On).
4.) Yoleh found a few old friends from his secondary school on facebook and was pleasantly surprised that one got married and the rest all looked so different (well, time does change people), Yoleh had an urge to want to add some as friends but hesitated.
5.) Yoleh fell in love with Yes 93.3's late night radio program. Especially Zhou Chong Qing's program which kept him listening as his fingers were busy with the laptop (Hewlett Packard, if any of your staff read this blog, please know that the keys on Yoleh's Hewlett Packard laptop have the potency to cut his fingers somehow even though theres no bleeding but sharp pain whenever it happens).
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