
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What Do You Think?

About this blog? Does it mean anything to you? Has it helped you in any way? Are you attracted by the different design each month? Which are your favourite posts? How did you find your way here? And so many more questions I'd like you my blog reader to answer, please?

By taking in feedback from my blog readers, then can I come up with better designs, features and style of writing for you. Yes. You, my blog readers.

I'd like to present to you my blog readers, Absolutely Daniel Yoleh's Monthly Survey. In the survey sent monthly you, my blog reader, can let me know your opinions on anything, yes, anything regarding this blog. If you'd like to take part in my blog's monthly survey, feel free to send me a blank e-mail with the subject as "Daniel Yoleh Blog Survey" or anything along that line and I'll add you to my monthly survey subscription.

You may feel free to unsubscribe anytime too by sending me an e-mail to let me know. I'll be more than glad to remove you from my list. :)

To subscribe, kindly send a blank e-mail with subject as "Daniel Yoleh Blog Survey" to Daniel.fcw(at)
To unsubscribe, kindly send an e-mail with subject as "Unsubscribe" to Daniel.fcw(at)

Be looking forward to know your feedback/suggestions/views :)
- Daniel Yoleh

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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