
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yes! I've Survived Yet Another Week Of Holidays!

My food poisoning had a good side to it, with all the constant diarrhea, vomitting and stomach upset, I lost 9kg off my weight.

Yes, you saw that right, 9kg lost during the course of my sickness. I'm now 89kg down from my weight of 98kg from a month ago.

Eileen jie went "wah...." a lot of times whenever I updated her on my weight loss from my sickness.

I'm happy that I haven't had a single supper for a week.
God is good, even though I had an outbreak of rashes during my food poisoning, He still healed me (of course with the help of my doctor's prescribed medicine, love of my family and care of my friends. God simply is amazing isn't He?)

I felt warm inside when a lot of people showed me concern when they knew about my food poisoning and rashes. (I figured out my love language is spoken words of affirmation.)

(A big thanks to Mom for driving me to and fro from the doctor so many times, to Dad for lending me his anti-itch cream, to my sister for calling me all the way from Australia and my other family members too for your love, care and concern.)

Thank you to my family, friends and loved ones for your care and concern during my time of sickness.

(Dear readers, I'll be looking forward to share some deep thoughts with you all these coming days on my own life's stories. Do stay tuned!)

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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