
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things That Happened This Week So Far

Been sick, sick and sick since last week till today, started off as stomach gas and then high fever followed by frequent cold spells, diarrhea to today's vomiting. I saw the doctor last night and he diagnosed me as having food poisoning. He asked me if I ate any seafood the past few days and my answer was an obvious yes, I eat fish and prawns often at home. After giving me a jab on my bottom, I collected my medicine and left for home. (Thanks mummy for driving me to the doctor late at night.) What an absolute way to spend my holidays? Lol!

And on another note, I've gotten back my exam results for the 2nd semester of my 1st year of studies at Nanyang Polytechnic.

My GPA dropped to 3.96 this semester. Still, God is good! (I was dreading of doing badly for my Computing Maths 2 module but still, God made a way for me. Praise God!)

[My overall results]
Appreciation of Life Sciences: A
Computing Mathematics 2: B+
Internet Application Development: Distinction
Communication Skills 2: Distinction
Data Communications & Networking: A
IT Innovation Project: A
Object Oriented Programming Using Java: A

(C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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