
Friday, January 09, 2009

Eerie Potong Pasir

I was at Potong Pasir few years back having just attended a church service and was at a bus stop waiting for the bus. Just then, the bushes behind the bus stop begun shaking, I went "What the?" then this voice started groaning. I felt very terrified at the spot and quickly walked away to the next available bus stop further down.

While walking, cars went past me on the road and I wished any, if just any, would stop. As I continued walking, I head a loud groaning sound behind me getting louder and louder. I turned back to look but there was no freaking living person!

When I reached the next bus stop, I quickly flagged down the bus and went home.

The incident didn't stop there...

Two days later, on a Monday morning while I was bathing, I head a female groaning sound outside my window and I tried my best to ignore it.

(C) 2006,2007,2008 Absolutely Daniel Yoleh.

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