Daniel's Top 10 List of Things That Are Annoying
1.) Kids running and screaming around in the Library.
2.) Librarians showing favouritism - I was once reprimanded for using my cellphone but when I was there today, cellphones were ringing loudly.
3.) People asking me to borrow them money and later on not returning and even saying they did not borrow any money from me.
4.) Bus commuters blasting aloud music from their Mp3 players/cellphones on public transport.
5.) Shoppers taking their own sweet time to walk, blocking the way of a rushing crowd from behind.
6.) My neighbour who smokes at his window causing the odour to enter my home.
7.) Bloggers who fill their blogs with 90% advertisements and 10% nothings.
8.) Having the same Chinese woman calling me at odd hours of the day AND night repeating the same phrase over and over again: "先生,你会讲华语吗?". ("Mister, can you speak Mandarin?")
9.) Inconsiderate and filthy fellow Singaporeans who throw litter into my garden ranging from cigarette butts to drink packets.
10.) The overwhelming smell of fried pork coming into my room and home in the mornings and afternoons.