
Thursday, August 28, 2008

MSN Virus

There's this sickening annoying virus going around on MSN Live, even my MSN Live Messenger client was not spared. I do not recall clicking on any of the spam links received from my contacts on MSN Live Messenger until when a friend told me that I had messaged her to click on a link. (*Screams in horror!*) I couldn't believe that my precious laptop was not spared from this sickening annoying virus.

Having performed a search on my beloved trusted Google search engine using the keywords: "How To Remove MSN Virus", I found a lot of results, of which I narrowed the results down to a Yahoo! Answers link [See what Yahoo! Answers has to say about the MSN Virus by clicking here.].

Here are the steps I'm taking now as I'm blogging this entry:
1.) Perform an online virus scan for free at Panda Security, looks like the AVG Antivirus Program on my system is unable to detect this annoyance.
2.) If the virus is found through the scan, I'll burn my laptop delete the infected files straightaway.
3.) Pray hard that the annoyance will NEVER come back *laughs manically*.