
Friday, August 08, 2008

Life Being An Unchurched Believer

I believe that nothing is impossible with God, no matter which self-righteous Christian calls me a backslider, I am still connected to God thank you very much!

It's been a year and 3 months since I left City Harvest Church, people may want to know how is life like for a "Christian" who doesn't attend Church to be a "Christian" still:

Let's use the concept of the human body to describe how I "survived" until now:
1.) My lungs have been working perfectly, meaning I'm still breathing.
2.) My legs work very very well except for the occasional pain in my left knee joint, meaning I'm still kicking.
3.) Take points 1 & 2: You get point 4.
4.) I'm still alive and kicking.

I don't believe the crap that I must be certified to be a Christian before I am at "right-standing" with God. Where is it written in the Scriptures that I must attend Church every week, every month, every year without a single absent record before I am approved by God, or even accepted by God? That is akin to saying that Jesus died for us so we must attend Church!

I am living very well now, doing my best for my studies, and giving my best for everything I do. I won't be the gullible Daniel I was in the past anymore.

I trust God even more now than when I was still attending Church, call me a renegade if you must, simply, if God doesn't have a problem with me not being a Churchgoer, I'll not bother with any criticisms from any Christian.