1.) Chains and Footsteps
I was trying to get some sleep while lying down in my room one night when I heard chains and footsteps, my thought was, $#@&!*, it was not that terrifying but it did freak me out to an extent.
There was another incident when I woke up one night to hearing footsteps moving about outside my room with my door open, I hoped that whatever was walking outside wouldn't come into my room.
2.) Catch Me Though You Can't
Though I have blogged about this point before weeks back, I shall include it here again for the sake of this 7th Month Special:
I was gaming on my computer one night with my door closed and locked when I heard someone knock. Being curious, I opened the door and saw this white color shadow/figurine run to my sister's room. Thinking that it was my brother playing with me, I gave chase.
And boy, I sure do regret doing what I did! I ended up in my sister's room with just myself.
3.) Black Swirls
This was particularly scary. As I was trying to sleep, I saw these black apparitions swirling in my room near the window (beside my bed where I was lying). I immediately went to my parents' room to spend the night.
4.) Hmm Nice Cupboard You Have!
I was sleeping when I woke up with great fear seeing the doors of my cupboard open and close right in front of my eyes, I quickly turned to the other side and tried to get back to sleep again.
Another similar incident was when I was gaming on my computer, I heard the doors of my cupboard open and close on their own even though my windows were closed.
5.) Flicker: The House Edition
I'm feeling spooked out now as I type this last point. Here's what happened:
The light at the 2nd storey of my house is located right above the staircase, there were incidents where the light would flicker for a second when I walk up the staircase but I would not take notice of it until one night after the light flickered, a hazy apparition appeared at my door and disappeared again.
What I'd do now is when I see the light flicker again, I'd know its a "I'm coming..." sign from whatever thing that is and pray in Jesus name that whatever that thing is, it will be bound in His Name.