If I Could...
I would ask God to take away my weak health... my constant giddiness, my motion sickness, my double vision...
I would ask God to take away my pain and hurts... the rejection, the loneliness, the isolation...
I would ask God to bring me home... away from all this suffering...
I would not ask God for no suffering in my life, no pains and hurts from relationships, no rejection, no sickness in the body and no people to love.
I thank God for everything that has happened to me both good and bad, if I only learn to thank God for the good things, that is not genuine appreciation.
The bad things in life are meant to show one that the good things in life are not to be taken of lightly, once gone, they're gone for good. But, its the memories that make us feel a sense of warmness in the heart.
I will not lose this fight, I will not lose my ground, I will not waiver in my faith.