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Many a times i struggle to love myself because i am overweight, get nervous easily and have a weak health due to my constant giddiness.
Let's be honest about a weighty issue in life: How hard do i have to work to get others to approve me? There is no guide, no rule & no measure to this!
Isn't life miserable? Always striving for acceptance, love and affirmation? What's the end? Finding none or too little of one or the other.
What is self-love really about? It's about accepting one's own faults, weaknesses, failures and BODY no matter what people say. It sounds easy but takes a lot of effort to do and practice!
I'm fat? I'm not in shape? Excuse me, round IS a shape too! They are either skinny, underweight or even starving themselves silly to keep a figure. Aren't they being miserable too? Can they have that good a figure when they get older? As i know, majority of men develop pot bellies as they grow older, isn't it better to have it now than when your old and realise you've lost your looks? I don't believe the stupid
My dressing is not nice? Excuse me, do you know what IS fashionable if you do not know what is NOT fashionable? Can you tell what is REAL beauty if there is NO ugliness in this world? Do you know what IS excellent if there is NO mediocrity to compare to? So WHAT if you are the No.1 fashionist in this world? For every person who likes your sense of fashion, there are 2 others who DISLIKE your sense of fashion! You can work out the ratio yourself! What may be in season NOW will be OUT of season next! You CAN NEVER KEEP UP with fasion! This is for YOU who say that others' dressing are NOT fashionable JUST because YOUR dressing is IN fasion now! Look at 3rd World people, will they DIE if they do not wear FASHIONABLY? Nobody NEEDS fashion to live! So GET A LIFE!
For you
In conclusion, if you call your friend FAT/UGLY/NOT FASHIONABLE,
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