Things have changed a lot since the kittens grew up, the whole family went from being adorable, cute and cuddly to becoming
TERRORS *Meow ^_^*
They ransack the dustbin in my kitchen EVERYDAY leaving scraps of food on the kitchen table and floor dirtying the place, my maid goes crazy when this happens.
Just today, i stepped on a fish bone... ARGH!!!
Everyday, the cats will come into my home through the windows and sliding doors and be a nuisance. There was even once when they ran up to my elder brother's room making my maid having to go upstairs and fish them out of a cupboard.
When we are having our meals, the cats will come in, uninvited, and meow for food even though they already have food by helping themselves to the frozen fish & chicken that my grandmother leaves in the kitchen sink to thaw and the dustbin behind my home... (i tried giving them catfood to eat but it was not to their taste, sighs)
"Ika! Where fish/chicken?!"
"Ah po! Cat eat already!"
I used to disagree with my grandmother for chasing the cats with a broom but now i have to agree with her actions...
*Meow? O.O*
Another mess the cats love to make is making the potted plants drop down onto the ground and even breaking a pot now and then!