If this were to happen in Singapore where a/any church refuses to comply with the authorities over financial accountability, this just shows that "American" Christian teachings need not necessarily be right and according to the Word of God.
I do not believe a crap about the Prosperity Gospel, take for example, the late Mother Teresea. She served God all her life, devoting her life to the needy and unfortunate. Did she live in a mansion, own a luxurious car and have many servants at her beck and call? The answer is a big NO. Did that mean she was any less righteous than any other Christians? No. Did that mean she was not born again? No. Did that mean she did not live a life according to the Bible? No.
I do not like what i saw in a church where the Senior Pastor asked a millionaire to share his testimony on how God blessed him with millions of dollars ever since he started tithing and giving offerings. This is MARKETING! You are luring the members into giving for the sake of being a "millionaire blessed by God".
Does this mean that the many Christians who are living normal lives, earning average incomes and having to pay bills constantly are not being blessed by God? Does this mean that they are not following the Word of God? Does this mean they are not living Godly lives?