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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Friendster My No.1 :)

One thing that irks me is the constant e-mail invitations from my friends asking me to join Bebo, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster etc, how on earth can a person deal with SO many social networking sites?

For me, my choices are only: Friendster, Multiply & Hi5 (of which H5 is hardly even utilised making me feel like deleting it my Hi5 account.)

Friendster by itself is simple: add/invite friends, click on their profiles to see whats new, write testimonials for them, post bulletins and if you are visitor-conscious, keep track of the number of visitors to your profile. (as for the new Add Applications feature, i feel thats COMPLETELY REDUNDANT.)

Facebook on the otherhand, has a ridiculously high requirement of maintenance (logging in constantly to do online activities with friends) which i feel is just a waste of time and energy.

So handsdown, Friendster wins the day and will always be my No.1 choice. :)
